Our Story

About Us

At anzen, we focus on selling lifestyle products that will help support the elderly to becoming more independent.
Our products serve to improve the elderly daily lifestyle in any small way possible. The brand name, “anzen”, is the Japanese translation for “safety” which is the main concept we aim to endorse and advocate for the elderly. 
Our vision is to become the first online and offline one-stop store that promotes all rounded safety for the elderly. We are committed to selling reliable products for the elderly for them to lead a more convenient and self-sufficient lifestyle. Anzen believes that living an independent lifestyle is not only limited to the younger people but is also extended to the elderly.

Our mission is to provide shoppers with the ease of getting elderly lifestyle products through the wide merchandise range for the shoppers to choose from.
“Feels good with safety” is our slogan. We aim to build a better and safer lifestyle for the elderly. We believe customers will feel a sense of satisfaction  upon using our products because of the safety it brings. 
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